Technical support is free to registered owners of Movie Cleaner Pro. You must be registered in order to receive support. If you need support immediately, and haven't yet registered, you may fax in your reg. card or register over the phone.
Before you call - Please read the Trouble Shooting section (Appendix C) to see if it addresses your problem. 90% of all problems we troubleshoot are configuration issues - please make sure QuickTime is working properly in general (by using MoviePlayer, or some other program with a known movie) before contacting us. Make sure that you are using QuickTime 2.0 or later. Do not use QuickTime 2.0.9 - it is known to have bugs. Make sure that you have the QuickTime PowerPlug installed if you are using a PowerMac - be sure that it is the same version as your version of QuickTime. Make sure that you don't have the PowerPlug if you are on a 68K machine.
You can contact us through our WWW site at Click on the E-Mail button on any screen to send us a note about your problem. Please make sure to include your own E-mail address and your serial number, as well as a complete description of your problem.
You can E-Mail us your technical support questions at Please make sure to include your serial number.
Fax your question to us at (408) 278-9063. Please be sure to include a phone and fax number so that we may contact you, as well as your serial number.
Call us at (408) 278-9065. Make sure to have your serial number handy for verification.
The information we need from you
In order to provide quick, accurate technical support, there are several key pieces of information our support staff needs to have from you.
What is your Serial number?
Your disk has the serial number of your copy of Movie Cleaner. This number matches the number on the registration card you sent us. Our support staff needs this number to match your request with our records.
What hardware do you have?
What kind of Macintosh are you using? How much RAM do you have in your computer? What kind of hardware was used to capture the video clip(s) you are working with? What version of QuickTime are you using, and what system version is installed?
What is the problem or question?
In order to provide you with useful assistance, our support staff needs a clear description of your problem or question regarding Movie Cleaner. If possible, please include a description of the settings you are using (codec, filters, cropping, etc.) as well as a brief description of the movie itself (size, format, etc.). If you are getting an error message, what exactly does it say?
How can we contact you?
Please provide us with at least two reliable ways to contact you. We would prefer an email address, phone number, and fax number.